Ivan Parron ®
Entertainment & Sports Lawyer / C-Suite Executive
Extensive experience representing professional sports teams, leagues and federations as counsel in US and internationally. Counseled on a variety of matters including negotiating contracts for TV broadcast and internet media rights, video game and eSports, sports gambling, naming rights and sponsorship, crisis management and litigation.
Entertainment & Sports Lawyer / Principal
May 2006 - Present
CEO / Founder
Jun 1998 - Mar 2003
As a software engineer developed and launched the worlds first online music store. Wrote business plan, raised $30MM from angel and institutional investors, signed first digital distribution agreements with Universal Music Group, Sony Music, Warner Music Group and BMG. Grew company to 200 employees.
Entertainment & Sports Law; Intellectual Property Law; Business Law
- Juris Doctor
Aug 2002 - Aug 2005
Marketing; International Business
- Bachelors in Business Administration
Aug 1992 - Apr 1994