Eric Boyce's Jobs In Sports Profile Picture

Eric Boyce

Highly Motivated
Naples, Florida USA


I am 37 years old. I have been married 6 years now. We have been together 14 years. We have 3 beautiful children. 13 year old son. 5 year old son and a 11 month old baby girl. I have a passion for sports. I coach and train my oldest son. He’s a qb. I love to educate myself everyday whether it’s watching film, talking with clients.



Feb 2008 - Present
I currently still work at the Hilton in Naples, Florida. I tend a beautiful bar for the last 13 years. I have regular local customers that take great care of me. I work in an extremely fast paced enviornment. I work extremely hard under pressure situations. Always maintain a positive attitude while at work and interact with my guests.


Sports Management - Bachelor of Science
Aug 2003 - May 2007

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