Nicholas Alexander
From a young age I was involved with athletics, from playing soccer to falling in love with the game of football. Being the grandson of a NFL great and 2004 HOF class member, I was introduced to what it means to eat, drink and sleep football. I care about the character development and help our youth achieve their goals on and off the field.
Youth Football Coordinator
Aug 2019 - Jan 2021
-Organized 180 football camps tailored to advancing grassroots development in Southern Nevada.
-Managed game day activation's focused on highlighting Coach of the Year candidates as well as activities for youth to participate in during the game.
-Created and implemented spreadsheets monitoring In kind donations for Youth Football Department.
Forensic Specialist 1
May 2019 - Aug 2019
-Act as a hybrid position as a mental health tech and correctional officer in a mental hospital.
-Help clients/inmates who are charged with crimes but are mentally unstable to understand the judicial system.
-Work with clients in rehabilitating, so they can go return to court and live out their sentence.
Residential Treatment/ Substance Abuse Counselor
Feb 2019 - Apr 2019
-Monitor youth ages 14-17 who were sent to the home from courts.
-Manage log of the daily activities the youth indulge (i.e. homework, med distribution, chores, downtime).
-Created incentive programs for the youth, so they can strive to leave the home.
Sep 2018 - Aug 2019
-Facilitated fan engagement at fundraisers and clinics ran for Raiders community partners.
-Executed various tasks tailored to servicing stakeholders and donors.
-Assisted VIP guest including Southern Nevada dignitaries in the Raiders Headquarters groundbreaking event.
-We created hospitable environments serving as greeters and guest services.
Gang Outreach Worker
Jun 2015 - Jun 2018
-Assisted at-risk youth and families in providing resources for school, housing, employment, and food.
-Monitored “Hot Spots”, which are highly gang involved areas and acted as a deterrent to trouble.
-Worked closely with Law Enforcement and local community leaders in creating services for youth and family to participate in.