Savanna Pearson's Jobs In Sports Profile Picture

Savanna Pearson

Virginia USA


I am a junior marketing major and sport communication minor at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. I play on the JMU Women's Club Volleyball, where I serve on the Executive Board as Marketing and Social Chair.


Marketing Intern

May 2019 - Aug 2019
I contributed to the development and implementation of strategic social media campaigns, while also collaborating with a team to create short promotional video clips using Adobe Premier Pro. I also had the opportunity to work closely to the Public Relations Chairman to plan, organize, and run all events.

Student Brand Ambassador

Sep 2018 - Nov 2018
I utilized personal social media accounts to drive attention and traffic to events that my co-influencer and I held on campus. I represented Riddle and Bloom, along with the assigned company, by developing relationships with targeted publics.

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