Joshua Fisher's Jobs In Sports Profile Picture

Joshua Fisher

Photographer at the Auburn Plainsman | Auburn University Class of 2021


Joshua Fisher is based in Auburn, Alabama where he is studying for a B.A. in Media Studies. During his time at Auburn Joshua worked as a photographer for The Auburn Plainsman, where he had the opportunity to capture numerous moments such as the 2019 Iron Bowl, as well as the 2020 Outback Bowl.


Student Photographer

May 2019 - Present
• Photograph a variety of university events by request • Editing photos using Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom photo software • Provide all raw and edited photos to Specialist of Communications and Marketing


Aug 2017 - Present
• Responsible for taking pictures for a weekly published newspaper and online articles • Cover 3-4 or more events per week as well as breaking news stories • Generates photos for all areas of the news division • Process and upload event photos per scheduled deadline • Prepare Images for Social Media distribution • Clips of work available on website


Media Studies - Bachelors
Aug 2017 - Present

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