Benita Bailey's Jobs In Sports Profile Picture

Benita Bailey

Sports Management major looking for an opportunity.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA


i've always been passionate about sports. From a young age, i have enjoyed watching and participating in sports like basketball. Over time, I've gained a wealth of experience and knowledge while working at my local high school and at the college level.



Nov 2022 - Present
Responsible for keeping an accurate score.
Keeping the scoreboard accurate during contests, keeping accurate statistics about the players, and working with game officials to ensure a fair contest.

Special Education Assistant

Aug 2017 - Present
Assists students with various needs including behavioral needs, severe medical and/or mobility needs, who are medically fragile, and/or students with disabilities receiving special education services. Provides support and assistance to help students access the instructional program in school and community settings.


Sports Management - Bachelors
Jun 2023 - Present

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