Derek Williams
Sports Coaching Professional
Hilliard, Ohio USAAbout
My father and uncles were all coaches, having a great impact on my life. I graduated from OHIO University with my bachelors in 2019, becoming President of multiple organizations and taking over a Middle School basketball team as my first coaching position. I am seeking to make the jump in the college game as either a GA or assistant coach.
Varsity Assistant Coach (RBs/LBs)
May 2019 - Present
Readied athletes for tough games by implementing coordinated regimens of practices and physical conditioning.
Collaborated with administration to stay on top of changes and concerns.
Evaluated individual knowledge, skills, and game strengths and assigned team positions to maximize talent areas.
Doubled win total in first year on staff
Head Girls Basketball Coach
Oct 2018 - Mar 2019
Maintained thorough knowledge of all rules, game procedures, coaching techniques and current trends in basketball.
Planned exercise regimens that targeted individual needs.
Drilled student-athletes in run, jump, turn and switching man-to-man defenses.
Evaluated student activities outside of basketball to assess behavior and academic eligibility.
Physical Activity and Sport Coaching
- Bachelors of Science in Physical Education
Aug 2014 - May 2019